Case in Point: FEBICO

FEBICO Group, Far East Bio-Tec. Co, Ltd, is a leading company in the research and development of quality products derived from microalgae. FEBICO was founded in 1990 after spinning off from FEMICO, the manufacturing company established in 1976. FEBICO NUTRITIONALS is a business unit under FEBICO Group and markets FEBICO branded nutraceuticals globally.

The company has 140,000 m2 culture ponds or 100,000 metric tones (MT) with yearly production of more than 1000 MT of microalgae. It continues to invest resources in biotech research and developments in order to diversify its portfolio of microalgae products.

The microalgae production facility is located in Ping-Tung (Southern Taiwan) with yearly average temperature around 25? and clean water without any industrial pollution. FEBICO is the first company which produces organic Spirulina certified by Naturland, an IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movement) accredited organization. From the proprietary processes developed by its scientists, it is capable of producing over 1,000 tones of microalgae powder annually.


While FEBICO has businesses in both B2B and B2C, the current brand identity which might cause the conflict with FEBICO’s clients should be carefully evaluated. In order to separate two types of business, we suggested FEBICO to restructure its brand architecture as the image below:

What our consultants Did:

By doing so, FEBICO will be able to enhance its brand positioning in the market. Furthermore, it will be able to eliminate cannibalism between B2B and B2C business and increase its brand differentiation as well. Therefore, we suggested FEBICO to separate B2C logo with B2B logo through some possible differentiation features:

  • Color

  • Shape

  • Typeface

At the end of the project, the predicted result were:

  • A clear message contains brand vision, brand culture and value will be delivered from FEBICO among its stakeholders.

  • The business model clearly structured.

  • All employees truly know their department commitments toward the brand vision.

  • The new identity more eye-catching.

  • Customers can now easily remember the new FEBICO brand identity.